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Downsizing Eagle ID

Downsizing in Eagle, ID will be seamless as you review the right resources and know what to do. Downsizing remains a common step for seniors since they may want to reduce how many belongings they have, so they don’t have as much to maintain in their retirement. If you plan on downsizing, you should start by looking at your largest items and determining which ones you no longer need.

As for your housing options, Realtor.com has 364 properties for sale as of September 2023, with the smallest option offering 875 square feet at $325K. It’s a reasonable price point, especially if you’re selling a large house in a well-off area, meaning you could sell it, use the money to pay for the house, and have plenty left over for retirement. So not only will you have less property to worry about, but you’ll see monetary benefits.

I’m happy to assist you as a local REALTOR®. We can discuss how much space you want at your new property while determining your budget, allowing us to look through the options and find the best home for your situation. We can visit each of the properties that you like, letting you to see what they offer and noting what makes each of them a suitable fit. Contact me to learn more about the downsizing process and get started.

More properties in Eagle: https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Eagle_ID/sby-14/pg-8

  • Look into downsizing in Eagle, ID, with a REALTOR® by your side.